St_Francis-Sermon_to_the_Birds-public-domain.jpgIn today’s video blog I’ll be covering peak dates for activation of the alchemical process that’s occurring now with Saturn Square Neptune which is actually forming a T-square with Black Moon Lilith in opposition to Neptune in Pisces and square to Saturn in Sagittarius.

This T-square will be repeatedly activated by your personal – first Mars, then Venus and finally Mercury. This represents a rapid fire alchemical process for you and our planet. You’re challenged to turn your base metals (your desires – Mars, what attracts you, gives you pleasure – Venus, your thoughts – Mercury) into gold. Your frequencies can completely shift now. High voltage with Mercury and Uranus, Pluto depth, Saturn. It’s intense.

I will pull an Ascended Master card at the end of today’s show for even more helpful insight and guidance. I’d like to note that in my 2015 Astrology and Numerology show I pulled the Ascended Master card Paul the Venetian who is overnighting and guiding this entire year.

Click link to listen to a full audio version of the classic mystic novel, THE ALCHEMIST BY PAULO CIELO narrated by Jeremy Irons on YouTube. It may help you relate to and understand the process we’re all undergoing now.

with KG Stiles Intuitive Metaphysician Astrologer 


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Paul the Venetian supports your free Artistic Expression. This means that your free self expression is being encouraged and supported this year.

Paul the Venetian successfully defended himself against charges of blasphemy during the inquisition for his artistic portrayal of the Last Supper.

Creative Self Expression is the domain of Leo and Jupiter is now retrograde in Leo. Helping you look at anything that is blocking you from freely expressing your authentic self.

In my Cancer Full Moon reading I pulled the archangel card Raziel. Raziel overflights Leo. So once again you’re supported to express your authentic self, to shine your inner light.

In light of the recent events in Paris related to Self Expression we witness the dramatic representations of the alchemical process that has now begun to transmute our inner dark repressed thoughts, desires and emotions about free self expression. What inner judgments and criticisms do you have about your own free expression that you project onto the world? How are you holding yourself back and playing small?

Leo rules drama, so their can be dramatic sudden turn of events taking place as the energies constellated play themselves out and we move closer to the seventh and final Uranus in Aquarius and Pluto in Capricorn exact square occurring during the Spring Eclipse season.

The pressure is on to turn your base metals (negative thoughts, desires and emotions) into gold is at hand.

This is a general forecast for everyone. For more personal look into what’s occurring for you now and how to make the most of your opportunities I invite you to purchase a private session with me. I’d love to take a comprehensive look at your astrology and answer all of your questions.

In this general forecast I’ll give you the peak dates for the timing of unfolding events. Remember the more you can integrate these energies within yourself the less they will show up and be mirrored in your outer world. You are freeing yourself from feelings of “not good enough” and giving yourself permission to realize your own true greatness (Jupiter in Leo) to be your authentic self.

This is the work of Jupiter retrograde in Leo ruled by the sun the zodiac sign of your natural soul essence you were born to express. When Jupiter stations Direct on April 8th this uncovering of what’s holding you back from expressing your true greatness will have been completed. So go for uncovering and freeing your full self expression from now until then!

I’ll review all the peak dates for you in this alchemical process in a moment, but first I I’m excited to announce that I will be hosting a Live Google Hangouts on air with my friend Dr. Jude Currivan on January 27th to talk about the planets as our spiritual teachers and focus on Saturn’s role in the cosmos, as well as the meaning and purpose of Saturn’s sojourn through the sign of Sagittarius. You can also find my other ‘Conversations’ shows with Jude posted on YouTube.

Soul Astrology with Medium & Astrologer Dr Jude Currivan

Saturn’s role in the  cosmos, and the meaning and purpose of Saturn’s sojourn through the sign of Sagittarius.

Jude is a gifted medium and soul astrologer. She holds a PhD in Archaeology, and a Masters Degree in Physics from Oxford University with a specialty in cosmology and quantum physics. In 2004 Jude completed a 2nd PhD with her thesis entitled Walking between Worlds, an exploration of ancient wisdom teachings, and the connection between people, the Earth and the wider Cosmos.

Jude has worked with wisdom keepers of many traditions and has led groups on sacred journeys throughout the world. Her book The 13th Step published by Hay House recounts the revelatory and transformational experiences of a series of pilgrimages she led to Egypt, South Africa, China, Alaska, Peru, Australia, New Zealand, Chile, Easter Island, Hawaii, Britain and Israel.

Jude is also the author of The Wave, The 8th Chakra, CosMos – a co-creator’s guide to the whole-world which she co-authored with Dr Ervin Laszlo, and Heart, Mind and Purpose, a double CD of her teachings and attunements. Jude’s books have been translated into 10 languages.

There will be a live Q & A after our 30 minute live Google Hangout on Air show. You can get your questions answered via our Live Q & A chat.

SIGN UP for the Hangout you’ll get the replay to watch the show immediately after the event. You need to have a Google+ Account to join the live Hangout. It’s free and easy to set-up.

Subscribers to my channel will also be notified as soon as the show becomes available immediately after the show.

Now for peak dates and celestial events as they occur:

On January 14 Mars in Pisces exact squares Saturn also square to Black Moon Lilith in Virgo (Wise medicine woman) and exactly conjuncts Neptune on January 19th. Window of time.

T-square between Black Moon Lilith (ruled by Mercury and Chiron), Saturn and Mars conjunct Neptune. The way out or resolution of a T-Square is in the opposite sign to Saturn in Sagittarius which is the sign Gemini ruled by Mercury, the plant of communication. Mercury is slowing down right now to station retrograde in Aquarius.

Remember Venus and Mercury kissed at the Cancer Full Moon. Joining your heart and mind. This is significant! I’ll explain why in a moment.

On January 20th Uranus conjuncts South Node oppose North Node square to Pluto in Capricorn. The resolution of the T-Square is in the house where Cancer is located. Cancer represents self nurturance and care of your home and family matters.

Communication and changing the way you perceive and judge is up for review. Your thought processes slow down and your intuition is stronger as Mercury stations retrograde.

From January 21st until February 11th, leaves shadow 1st of March.

End of January first of February Venus will enter Pisces oppose Black Moon Lilith in Virgo (ruled by Mercury and Chiron) and square Saturn in Sagittarius and conjunct Neptune exact on February 1st. Again the resolution to the pressure and tension is through Gemini ruled by Mercury (communication shift in mental perception, way thinking).

We have two Aquarius New Moons during this window of time. The first Aquarius New Moon is at 0º on January 20th and the second Aquarius New Moon is on February 18th at 29º and 59 seconds. Signifying new innovations being birthed picking up the last stitch, culmination of this new beginning of innovation that’s been alchemized and birthed during this time.

On March 12th Mercury enters Pisces squares Saturn in Sagittarius, conjuncts Neptune exact on March 18th and goes on to oppose Black Moon Lilith.

Now I’ll pull an Ascended Master card for Doreen Virtue’s oracle deck.

SAINT FRANCIS – Message: Follow Your Heart.

Thanks so much for joining me for this special 2015 Saturn Square Neptune Astrology Forecast.

I’lll be back soon with a new astrology forecast. Be sure to SIGN UP for my live Google Hangouts on Air show with Dr. Jude Currivan on the 27th of January.

Please leave your comments and questions below. I always love hearing from you! Thanks so much for watching, subscribing, liking and sharing my videos. I really appreciate the opportunity to share with you.

Wishing you success and happiness always.

Until next time relax, enjoy your life and stay connected.

Love -KG xo