Full Moon Night sky with yellow full moon, stars, flock of flying ravens, crows, tree silhouette. Elements of this image furnished by NASAThis Week’s General Astrology Forecast

The week starts off with the Moon in Cancer Opposite Venus, Saturn and Pluto and Trine to Neptune in Pisces.

This a significant moment when an opportunity for a major illumination can dawn.

On the face of it, you may find yourself in a confrontation between forces within and without you.

Your emotional needs (attachments) are augmented by the moon’s trine to Neptune. Feeling extremely emotional can result from these alignments between planets.

The key themes activated are your emotional needs (attachments) meeting opposition from a personal love interest and authority/power figures.

The week is a time of ‘quickening.’ Quickening refers to the moment when a mother first feels the movement of her baby in the womb.

Video Podcast Coming Soon for AER paid subscribers: 0° 42′ Virgo Supermoon Full Moon on February 19th, exact at 7:54am PT.

Find out more in this week’s full version of AER.

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SAMPLE FULL VERSION (AER) DOWNLOAD Moonscopes Astro Energy Report (AER), February 9-15, 2019.


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  • Monthly Podcast in video style format (downloadable) with the month ahead’s key astrological event(s), along with interpretations and guidance for how to make the most of what’s happening.
  • Weekly snapshot overview in PDF format (downloadable) with moon placement for how the week ahead starts and any key astrological event(s).
  • Best money days when celestial events bring greater than usual opportunities.
  • Best essential oils to use and why.
  • Key astrological planetary events happening during the week with degrees and times for each event, along with a general interpretation and how to make the most of each event.
  • Void of course Moon Calendar to help you navigate life’s currents and plan the best times for your meetings, signing contracts and performing your new and full moon rituals, etc.
  • 12 Houses Reference Chart with meaning of each house and zodiac degrees. This makes it easy for you to find out where a planet is located in your own astrology chart to find out what area of your life things are happening. You can also use the chart for insights about how a celestial event might affect you.
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Until next time…relax, enjoy your life and stay connected.

XOLove -KG