Aloha and welcome! The Full Moon Eclipse occurs this Saturday, August 16th at 2:16pm PDT at 24° Aquarius. The 2-week open gateway between the New Moon Eclipse on August 1st and the Full Moon Eclipse on the 16th offers incredible support for having BIG and far reaching realizations that can catapult you into momentous, life altering changes! Look at your personal chart to locate the area of your life being affected. Click to find out the exact time in you part of the world.

You probably know what’s changing in your life and are flowing with the events. The Eclipse in Aquarius gives us the perspective of looking down from above as if we we’re flying. This Eclipse activates your map to the future, and with the full moon’s light you’ll be able see where you are and where you’re headed which could turn out to be different than where you initially thought. This Eclipse marks a symbolic turning point and may bring you an unexpected and generous gift.

Mars and Pluto are activating an alchemical brew of transformative energies so hang in there through the heat and you’ll be rewarded.

A Neptune and Sun connection can make for confusion while stimulating your creativity.

The Full Moon Eclipse increases the potential for manifesting your intentions 10,000times, or more. Use the power of the Full Moon Eclipse for letting go of the past to allow for a rich and fulfilling future. Click here for the Ho’oponono Forgiveness Meditation.

24 Hour Full Moon Eclipse Sale – One Day Only!

Between the Lines with Barry Kibrick Video Interview with Dr. Richard Moss
Review The Mandala of Being by Richard Moss, M.D.
FREE 5-week course The Mandala of Being with Richard Moss, M.D.
Green Corner The Phantom Load – Take Action Angels

Upcoming Fall Workshops with KG

Global Village – Beyond You, an intriguing perspective

24 HOUR FULL MOON ECLIPSE SALE –For a 10% Gift towards your purchase of any aromatherapy product on Saturday, August 16th simply enter the promotional code “eclipse” without the quotation marks, in the box marked “Coupon/Promotional Code” at check out, and press apply. Please if the Code amount is not reflected on your screen do NOT submit the order; it can not be applied retroactively. Your 10% gift on PurePlant Essentials Organic Aromatherapy starts on Saturday, August 16th at 12:00am (PDT) and ends at 12 midnight.

Thanks for joining me!

CLICK HERE to read recent feature articles published on KG’s Pure Essential Oils Blog


Watch Between the Lines interview with Richard Moss

More than 30 years ago Richard left his medical practice after a life changing realization and dedicated his life to helping others realize their multidimensional nature and achieve-self mastery. His teachings bridge science, psychology, energy medicine, and spiritual awareness practices. His most recent work is The Mandala of Being

Click here to purchase The Mandala of Being: Discovering the Power of Awareness

by Dr. Richard Moss
An internationally respected leader in the field of conscious living and inner transformation Richard’s latest book shows us why and how we habitually obstruct our innate potential for what he calls radical aliveness, a life of authenticity, overflowing energy, and joy.

In the Mandala of Being Richard gives us an effective practice that’s readily incorporated into daily life. It illustrates that there are only four places in our mind we ever go when we leave the Now – the past, the future, judgments of ourselves and judgments of others. It allows us to trace precisely the path we’ve taken away from our most authentic self whenever we are not fully present, and simultaneously shows us the way back home. Richard accompanies and encourages the reader on a journey toward freedom from fear and any other limiting or threatening feelings.

Click here to enroll in an on-line course by Dr. Richard Moss called The Mandala Of Being. This is a FREE 5 week course designed to inspire, enlighten and encourage you to live in the present moment, and find the beauty of today.

Take Action Angels

This social activist website was started by Doreen Virtue,

developer of Angel Therapy™ and her son, Grant. Doreen Virtue holds B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. degrees in counseling psychology, and is a lifelong clairvoyant who works with the angelic realm. She is the author of the Healing with the Angels book and oracle cards; Archangels & Ascended Masters; and Angel Therapy®, among other works. Her products are available in most languages worldwide.

Doreen has appeared on Oprah, CNN, The View, and other television and radio programs. She writes regular columns for Woman’s World, New Age Retailer, and Spirit & Destiny magazines. For more information on Doreen and the workshops she presents, please click here.

You can listen to Doreen’s live weekly radio show, and call her for a reading, by visiting®.

Click here for the Weekly Take Action List. Here you will find current and past actions that you can take to make this world a better place.

The Phantom Load When the lights go off at your house for the night your electricity meter is still hard at work, chugging along counting all of the wasted Kilowatts being used by sleepless machinery. This is called a phantom load. While some of this electricity usage is unavoidable, such as with your refrigerator, most of it is simply not necessary. It has been estimated that as of the year 2000 the average house consumed roughly 1.5 Kilowatt hours per day in standby power. The Department of Energy estimates yearly standby power usage to equal 64 million Megawatt Hours, or roughly the equivalent of eighteen power plants.

Of course phantom loads exist in the daytime as well. All of your mobile phone chargers, dvd players, computers, televisions, cable boxes and even the clocks on your stove are constantly drawing power whether they are being used or not. If you inspect the power bricks that come with your electronics and feel that it is hot to the touch when plugged in, that is an indication of it’s power consumption. Notice that they are still quite hot even when not used. Most cell phone charges will draw just as much power whether they are charging your phone or not.

In some countries it is common for all wall plugs to have power switches to ensure that electricity is only being used when you want it to be. Unfortunately the United States is not one of those countries, so we have to come up with our own methods. The most obvious idea would be to simply unplug everything when it is not being used. This would of course become quite unwieldy in a normal sized house with multiple outlets in every room, not to mention the added wear and tear on the cords themselves over time.

The most practical solution then becomes power strips that can be switched off when not in use. This gives the advantage of being able to disconnect several devices at the same time with a flick of a switch, with the added benefit of surge protection on all of your expensive equipment. The danger is however that since these devices have so many plugs they tend to be overloaded. It is still not a bad idea to unplug something when it is not being used so you can plug in something you need rather than use up all six power slots unnecessarily.

Companies such as Wattstopper in the U.S. and Sava Socket in the U.K. are bringing in new products to help automate the power usage in your home by either automatically detecting if the device has entered standby mode or through the use of occupancy detectors. Smart plugs test the average load of a device and if it drops by 60% the plug is shut down, preventing needless idle usage. Occupancy sensors will turn lights in and around your home on or off depending on if anyone is actually in the room.

The days of Dad walking around the house wondering why the lights are on when no one is in the room has passed. The unfortunate fact is that short of turning off the power to our house at the street every night, likely we’ll never be able to completely eliminate our standby power usage. We can however dramatically decrease the amount we use by simply denying power to the offending products. Going one step further when you are in the market for a new electronic device inquire with the manufacturer exactly how much standby power is used and buy according to the lowest use. You can be sure if they received enough of these types of calls the average use along their entire product line would come down.

GLOBAL VILLAGE – BEYOND YOU click to view an intriguing perspective. On arriving click your mouse on the screen to navigate through the slide show

Coming this fall Aromatherapy & Vision Board Workshops & Chakra Classes

How can Health Mastery Ezine serve you better? I love hearing from you. Please send me your comments and questions! EMAIL KG

I’ve enjoyed sharing with you and hope you’ll find something useful for your life in this issue. Please remember to share Health Mastery Ezine with your friends and family. Look for your next issue on August 25, 2008. Mahalo!