by KG Stiles

The best time for your New Moon meditation and setting your intentions is just at the New Moon. You can actually do a new moon meditation any time before the First Quarter Waxing Moon and it will still be effective.

The New Moon in Scorpio inspires deep exploration and experience of your emotional life in the area of your astrological chart where it is transiting. This is an especially powerful time of connecting deeply with your desires in this area of your life. The Scorpio New Moon is excellent for healing old emotional patterns, and allowing the force of love and passion to be renewed in this area of your life.

Looking for where (the house) the Scorpio New Moon is located in your astrology chart will help you find out where your life is being most affected for renewal. This is where you will experience the most opportunity for new growth and healing. The Scorpio New Moon is also a great time for becoming aware any old patterns you would like to release.

At the New Moon
remember to give thanks for your many gifts, and accomplishments in life. Acknowledging your inner gifts and accomplishments will help strengthen and build your confidence for manifesting your seeds of intention into reality.

Focus your intent upon sowing the seeds of your most cherished dreams
and feeling as if they are happening now. Then nourish them with love and tenderness to consistently elevate your feelings, and transmit emotional energy that allows you to become your dream. As you do this you will naturally become more whole, healthy, and beautiful, and others in your world will begin to consistently mirror your inner resonance. This reciprocal relationship will help you continue to elevate your feelings in a cycle of giving and receiving as you nourish and are nourished by your world.

Why manifesting with the moon’s cycles is so effective?
Research has shown that all the body’s internal biological rhythms are controlled by the powerful cues it receives from our natural world. Natural events in our environment, such as the phases of the moon, seasonal temperatures, and the length of the day and night, reflect the cosmic rhythms that our body follows to synchronize its internal biological rhythms. This natural phenomenon of the body to match its internal rhythms with external pulses in the natural environment is known as entrainment. Thus your subsconsious recognizes and readily responds to your desires and intentions for manifesting when you sow them with the cycles of the moon!

For this meditation you will need:
Clean sheet of paper
A white candle

Calm your mind and sit quietly. There is nothing you need do now. Go within to your sacred inner space and be still. Light your candle and focus on the flame. Remember that the light you see is a reflection of the light within you. Think of all that you would love to experience in your life. See the light of your love renewed as your life overflows with fresh, new imaginings. Picture your true heart’s desires as if you already have achieved them. Savor your imaginings as you light your candle.

Take your piece of paper and write your most cherished ideal dream for close, personal relationships, or an intimate relationship with another. Allow yourself to pour your passion into the images you have for yourself.

After writing your most cherished heart’s desire for what you intend to manifest in the way of ideal romantic and/or loving relationships in your world write the qualities within your self that will help you to attract and accomplish your dream. Your character qualities in action are what elevate your dream to a goal. List all the qualities you have both large and small. It is important that you recognize, and appreciate your character qualities, and accomplishments as this helps you build your confidence for creating the circumstances needed to manifest your heart’s desire.

After you have taken time to write your list of qualities and accomplishments, fold your paper, see yourself communing with your new intention, see your dream as if it has already been accomplished, and is happening now. Really get in touch with how natural it feels to be with this person, or group of people you wish to attract into your life. Remember what you desire, also desires you! Open your mind to receive your good now. Allow the process of creation to take you where it will. If at the end of your meditation you feel inspired to take some action, listen to your wise heart, and take action immediately!

You may conclude your meditation with this benediction:

God/Goddess and all that is,
Angels, guides, ancestors, teachers, and friends,
I call upon all who love me to witness
My deep appreciation for my soul’s journey,
Bless my unfolding as I plant my seeds of intention
May my true heart’s desires be manifest,
And so it is.

Keep your new moon intentions for manifesting, and your list of accomplishments in a special place, and plan to review them at the next New Moon.

Please feel free to share this New Moon ritual with a friend by sending them a link to this page!

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Enjoy the Magic of the New Moon in Scorpio!