Gemini Full Moon
December 17, 2013 @ 1:28m PT
Celebrate Life Open Open Your Mind to Receive with this Healing Cutting Cords Ritual with Archangel Michael. Free yourself from Blockage and Resistance to the Flow of Love in Your Life and Open to Receive Love THE GREATEST GIFT OF ALL
As the moon goes void of course exactly at the full moon I suggest you perform your Full Moon Ritual when the moon enters Cancer later in the day at 10:17am PT.
World Clock Time Zone Converter
Aloha and thanks for joining us as we gather in our global circle of healing to celebrate life and the joyful experience of being alive. Now is also the time to open your mind to receive the seeding and deepening of new consciousness that is fast approaching at the time of the Capricorn New Moon.
You will be guided exactly how to do this with the assistance of Archangel Michael who will completely clear your entire being of any cords of attachment, as you open your mind to receive the gifts coming to you from the universe.
CLICK HERE to learn about the astrology of the Gemini Full Moon and the numerology of 2014 and for deeper insights about this period of time!
What you will need:
Light your white candle and get comfortable. You are in a quiet place where you will not be disturbed; your back is fully supported. Focus on the candle flame and breathe into your belly.
Exhale any feeling of tension. Continue breathing for several cycles of breath as you relax more deeply.
Imagine yourself surrounded by a beautiful aura of golden light. Your cocoon of golden light embraces you tenderly. You feel warm, completely safe, loved and supported.
Focus your attention at the crown of your head. Imagine a six inch round portal of rainbow white light streaming down into the crown of your head. Notice if you feel any tugs or pulls in the area at the top of your head.
If you feel any resistance to the flow of rainbow white light into your crown chakra simply call upon Archangel Michael and ask to be cleared of any cords of attachment. Archangel Michael will cut any cords of attachment and clear you of all false beliefs and attitudes.
Your mind is now free to receive.
After your crown chakra at the top of your head feels completely free and open ask Archangel to vacuum your entire being of any cords of attachment, blockage or resistance to the full embodiment of your life experience.
Imagine a gorgeous beam of brilliant cobalt blue light suctioning out any cords of attachment from within your being at the deepest cellular level. Archangel Michael will completely clear your entire being – your etheric, astral, mental, causal and spiritual bodies – and open your bodymind to receive the gifts the universe has for you.
This vacuuming process may take a few moments, several minutes, or even longer. Take as long as feels right for you to allow yourself to be fully cleared.
When you are complete only the gifts of love and lessons you’ve learned from all your earth experiences will remain.
Take a moment to celebrate the gifts and blessings of your life. Feel yourself embraced by love, the greatest gift of all. Your mind is now fully open and receptive to all the gifts life has for you.
When you are ready wiggle your fingers and toes, stretch your body and open your eyes.
Wishing you a wonderful Christmas Holiday Season! Thanks again for joining us. Please share your comments below.
Until next time…relax and enjoy your life.