I’ve always dreamed of being a published author. Writing was always a passion of mine and I had some wonderful mentors who encourage my natural love for writing.
In 1993 I began pursuing my dream with renewed vigor and commitment. For 10 years I wrote in a closet that was my writing haven. Though I published hundreds of articles, many of which have appeared in leading magazines like Massage Therapy Journal, Massage Today, Breast Cancer Wellness magazine, Aromatherapy Today (Australia) and NAHA Aromatherapy Journal, won a few prestigious book awards and even won a free trip to meet with publishers in New York, I never was able to land a traditional publishing contract.
After 10 years and receiving hundreds of rejection letters I discovered Amazon Kindle and began self-publishing my books on holistic health and essential oils. Since then I’ve sold 10s of thousands of ebooks on Amazon, Barnes and Noble and iBooks.
All that changed in the summer of 2015, when well known literary agent, Marilyn Allen, contacted me about representation. We signed a contract and she guided me through the publishing process. The Essential Oils Complete Reference Guide is my first traditionally published book about ‘essential oils’ and it reveals the heart and soul of my years of aromatherapy practice.