The Leo Full Moon each year is an an excellent time to perform a ritual of cleansing and letting go of old patterns that do not honor or serve you. This is because Leo, ruled by the Sun, represents your sense of your individual identity and sense of awareness. What you are identified with is what you will attract and manifest into your life. So, letting go of old ego identifications is helpful for you to realize your highest Divine potential.
Then at the time of the Aquarius New Moon begin the process of creating your Visionboard for 2013. The Moon goes void of course (does not make any exact aspects with any planets) exactly at the time of the New Moon until February 10 at 1:20pm PT when it moves into the sign of Pisces (Chinese New Year of the Water Snake). So, it’s best to initiate the creation of your Visionboard for the embodiment of your dreams on February 10th at 1:20pm PT and until the Moon goes void of course on February 11th at 9:30am PT.
You’ll want to complete the creation of your Visionboard by the time of the Pisces New Moon at 21º Pisces on March 11th. Again the Moon goes void of course exactly at the Pisces New Moon at 12:51pm on March 11th until the next day March 12th when it enters Aries at 4:17am PT. The Aries Moon is excellent for performing an activation ceremony for your Visionboard to fully activate the embodiment of you intentions for 2013. We are now in the spring tide when the forces of nature to produce growth are at their most powerful.
The Leo Full Moon on Saturday, January 26th at 8:48pm PT makes aspects to planets that assist with the breakdown and letting go of old patterns, as well as the breakthrough of new innovative ideas and opportunities for you.
The same is true with the Aqaurius New Moon which also has similar aspects to the same planets as the Leo Full Moon, helping to ensure the follow through of your letting go of the old and birthing the new, more innovative solutions that free you from your past.
Finally the Pisces New Moon is our annual moon for activating our spiritual ideals for ourselves and is in supportive aspect to both Saturn for grounding and Pluto which gives depth.
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Write down in your own hand and affirm daily from the time of the Leo Full Moon to the Aquarius New Moon then burn in a meditation ritual to fully release and cleanse any old patterns that dishonor you completely. It is done! A New way begins.
I let go of past patterns of behavior in relationship and the way I present myself to the world that do not honor me.
I let go of any remaining vestiges of taking things personally, taking people’s behavior as a personal affront or criticism.
I vibrate and radiate love for myself and into my world and allow myself to let go of all self sabotaging patterns of behavior that drain energy from my true heart’s desires and fulfillment of Divine Creator’s plan for my life.
I release the past in love and move forward into my future with renewed energy.
I let go of past anger and forgive everyone, including myself, who may have disappointed, created grief or loss.
I let my heart be light and practice letting go daily and moment to moment as needed until I am completely free of all perceived grievances and conditioning of mind that has trapped me in loss of love and not allowing love to flow freely through me and in my life.
Thank you Divine Creator and dear Angels that you are clearing me now of all resistance to the flow of love in my life and feeling good every moment, filled with the joy of life.
Amen, and so it is!