astrological_sign_libra_public-domain-no-known-restrictions-blogWould you love to attract ONLY perfect relationships for yourself?

Have you had a pattern of attracting unsatisfying relationships with people who don’t get you.

This Libra New Moon gives you a stellar opportunity to create a completely new cycle in your relationships and solve that problem for yourself once and for all.


Aloha and welcome to Moonscopes Astrology. I’m your host KG Stiles. I’m here to connect you with your passion and what you love! This is your astrology forecast for the 1º Libra New Moon at 11:14pm PT on September 23rd.

Thanks so much for joining me! I appreciate your being here and hope you enjoy today’s show! A special thank you to each and everyone of you who shares and likes my videos and leaves comments. I love connecting with you and hope my videos empower and inspire you to create a truly satisfying and rewarding life.

As always if you have personal planets or points within 3-6º of a zodiac sign you will experience the Libra New Moon more strongly. Especially the signs of Virgo and Gemini (ruled by Mercury), the Cardinal signs Libra, Capricorn, Aries and Cancer and all the Fire signs will have the biggest release of the old with an opportunity for powerful new beginnings.

by KG Stiles, Metaphysician & Intuitive Coach

This Libra New Moon powerfully connects with key players in the celestial heavens for extraordinary opportunities.  

The 1º Libra New Moon at 11:14pm PT on September 23rd is dynamically affected by Mercury’s retrograde cycle especially for those of you with your personal planet Mercury being activated. For instance if the Libra New Moon occurs in your 3rd house the natural house placement of Gemini ruled by Mercury or 6th house the natural house of Virgo also ruled by Mercury then the Libra New Moon is an especially potent new moon for you. You’re really clearing your mind of mental habit patterns and setting new intentions for a whole new paradigm of relating.


This Mercury Retrograde Cycle, including its shadow phase, that started September 13th and ends November 10th strongly affects this Libra New Moon. Recall what happened on September 14th the day Mercury entered its shadow as it will clearly indicate what you need to release from your mind in order to experience the best results from the Libra New Moon for new beginnings in your relationships and during the upcoming October Eclipse Season.

mercury planet public domain nasaCLICK HERE to find out more about this particular Mercury Retrograde Mind Dump period by visiting my recent video blog, “Clean Up the Mental Frequency of Your Thoughts and Overcome Obstacles to Create What You Want.”

 The 1º Libra New Moon conjunct the Sun is well aspected and you feel motivated to set new intentions for your relationships and commitments you make with yourself and others. You’re raising the bar and elevating your standards.

A New Moon always brings fresh new starts, especially when in the earliest degree of a sign. The Libra New Moon is especially potent and pregnant with potential.

At the Libra New Moon you may start a new venture or partnership with someone romantically, socially or in the sphere of business that’s completely new like nothing else you’ve ever experienced.

At the Libra New Moon Mars at 7º Sagittarius is within orb of an exact trine to Jupiter at 14º Leo. Jupiter will form a perfect trine to Uranus Retrograde at 15º Aries a few days after the Libra New Moon on September 25th.

This Grand Fire Trine now active between Jupiter (the planet of expansion and good fortune), Uranus (the Awakener) in Aires which is moving to conjunct the South Node (representing your past) and Mars (the planet of action) in Sagittarius is forming a Kite Patter with the Libra New Moon which forms the head of the Kite. With this Kite Pattern you’re encouraged to rise above circumstances to collaborate with others to create balance, fairness, and justice in your personal and interpersonal relationships.

Since the balance of a Kite pattern comes from its tail and the tail is conjunct Uranus (the planet of the unexpected) the balance point is shifting and unpredictable. New actions may be called for that may feel counter intuitive.

The Libra New Moon gets a powerful boost from Pluto in Capricorn which began its station Direct the day before on September 22nd. Pluto’s forward motion adds regenerative and renewing power to the events unfolding now.

Things that have felt delayed or sluggish begin to move forward and you start to make real progress. All that you’ve reviewed and gotten to the truth about especially in the area of your life where Pluto is transiting comes online for integration. Manifestation in this area of your life takes on new life and form.

 The Fire Trine that is exact for the first time on September 25th between Jupiter in Leo and Uranus in Aries is ongoing until May 2015 when the two planets begin to move apart.

This Fire Trine between Jupiter and Uranus will get activated and amped up every time a faster moving celestial body like the Sun, Moon, Mercury or Venus moves through the sister fire sign of Sagittarius this fall. Fire Trine energy elevates and activates  your energy to help you more easily move forward. The changes can be quick and unexpected, full of inspiration, heart, adventure, risk taking, romance, childlike trust and innocence and an extraordinary willingness to make changes and try new things.

The Fire Trine acts to protect and propel you forward as the two final clashing Squares between Pluto in Capricorn and Uranus in Aries happen on December 14, 2015 and again for the final time in mid-March 2015. Pluto and Uranus separate for the last time the first of April 2015. Though we’ll be feeling the influence of this final square at least until August 2015.

At the Libra New Moon the North Node at 19º Libra and South Node in Aries are activated. The North Node in Libra represents what you need to learn and the South Node in Aries represents what you need to let go of. By the Aries Lunar Eclipse in two weeks time you’ll release something so that you can move forward to realize your potential destiny.

Uranus is moving to perfectly conjunct the South Node in Aries and oppose the North Node in Libra on the day the Sun moves into Aquarius on January 20th or 21st 2015 (depending on what part of the world you live in).

So the pressure is on to illuminate where you need to head and what you need to let go of in order to get to your destination.

I’d also like to mention that on December 14th we have the sixth exact square between Pluto at 12º Capricorn and Uranus in Aries. The Moon moves into Libra this same day and conjuncts the North Node activating a deep release of tension from the T-Square that’s formed between the Libra Moon, Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn for resolution.

So this Libra New Moon will give you a clear indication of what’s up for release and change over the next four months.

This build up and release of tension continues from December 14th through the end of January. This is a peak crescendo of the Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn that’s been playing out since 2012. There is one more exact square, but the nodes will have moved on, so there is less resistance and tension.

There’s a decisive moment that comes for you sometime during the period of time from the Pisces full moon two weeks ago through the end of 2014 and into the early part of 2015. There’s a bit more to play itself out, but during this time you will have made a clear decision and commitment about what has to be done to move forward to realize your potential. This is happening on an individual as well as planetary collective level.

All of these celestial events are operating now to prepare and move you toward your Eclipse Experiences in October with resulting permanent change for the better. Eclipses are like passage ways of experience when doors to your past close permanently and new doors to your future open. Eclipses set you firmly on your path to realize your highest potential.

Well those are the astrological line-up of energies unfolding for you at the Libra New Moon and through October. With a look at the upcoming astrological trends and peak dates for the Grand Fire Trine, the final Square between Uranus and Pluto and activation of the North and South Nodes.

Copy of yantra grunge_earth_love3_edited-1Would you love to attract ONLY perfect relationships for yourself? 

If you’ve felt stuck in unsatisfying relationships with people who just don’t get you then the Libra New Moon gives you a stellar opportunity to solve that problem for yourself once and for all. I’ve produced the “Ideal Relationship Meditation” to help you make the most of this opportunity.

ORDER “Ideal Relationship Meditation” Bundle Package ONLY $7.00
Includes Audio Podcast MP3 (19:00) and pdf Instructional Guide (Immediate Download. more info

Thanks again for joining me for this special forecast! Be sure to sign-up for free to receive future astrological updates that I only send out by email.

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I’ll be back soon with another astrology forecast, so stay tuned!

I wish you success and happiness always.

Until next time…relax, enjoy your life and stay connected.

Love -KG