Neptune_public_domain-nasaGo with the flow of events this week! Changing tides bring good fortune.

Aloha and welcome to Moonscopes Love Your Astrology. Thanks for joining me for this week’s astrology highlights including the exact Saturn Neptune square on November 26th exact at 4:19am PT.


Today is November 25th, the day of the Gemini Full Moon. It’s an intense period of time we’re in.

Tomorrow we have the first exact square between Saturn at 7º Sagittarius and Neptune at 7º Pisces. I’ll post a link for you here if you’d like more details about the grand mutable cross between the Gemini Full Moon, Saturn conjunct Mercury and the Sun in Sagittarius and Jupiter in Virgo which though the degree is a little wide with Jupiter it is strong because we’re talking Jupiter here which is opposing Chiron the wounded healer.

NOV 26TH 7:35pm Gemini – NOV 27TH 11:27am > Cancer
NOV 29TH 4:46am Cancer – NOV 29TH 4:47am > Leo
DEC 1ST 7:09pm Leo – DEC 2ND 2:09am > Virgo
DEC 3RD 8:59pm Virgo – DEC 4TH 2:34pm > Libra



The skies are intense there’s a lot of pressure building. The mutable energy brings change, things are unstable.

Saturn square to Neptune at 7º of Sagittarius and Pisces multiplies the 25 = 7 spiritual energy of this day. Usually a planet that is in a closing square to another planet has the dominant influence. However, Saturn is not in its element in Sagittarius. The energy pre-dominating is Jupiter and Neptune.

Saturn is challenged to bring structure to the expansive energies of Sagittarius ruled by Jupiter. Jupiter opposite Neptune expands and adds potency to Neptune in Pisces. Already in its supreme position in the sign of Pisces which it rules.

The Gemini Full Moon is the way through for this build up tensions. The Gemini way is to choose to go easy and lightly through the tensions. Meditate and reflect before taking action despite the urgency to act to bring resolution to the build of tensions. It’s a great time for light hearted fun and entertainment. Mediation, walks in nature, physical exercise will help you to dissipate the tension now. Or long hot sea salt soaks with your favorite relaxing essential oils.

There’s opportunity to breakthrough old fear patterns and long established routines and habits. You can now more easily raise the frequency of your mental, emotional and spiritual/etheric bodies through the power of your choice. Focus on reframing your life circumstances in a way that empowers you rather than projecting onto others the inner tensions you feel within.

As we move past the Saturn Neptune square exact at 4:15am PT tensions will begin to ease somewhat.

On November 29th the Sun conjuncts Saturn and squares Neptune at that 7º point. Reactivating the Neptune Square energy that occurred on the 25th and 26th. You can have strong feelings of empowerment now and your will forces get strengthened. However, there’s a dreamy quality and strong under tow of currents. Watch for getting caught into any struggle with what’s occurring now. Its best to relax and go with the flow of events.

This whole period of time leading to the Gemini Full Moon and onward to the Sagittarius New Moon is presenting you with an opportunity for deepening your faith and trust in the universal life forces that you’re supported and life has your back. Or you could get into fear and struggle. Of course Its best to let go of old fear patterns. But the choice is yours.

To help you breakthrough old fear patterns instantly you can sign up to get a FREE copy of my book ‘Feel Powerful.’ I’ve posted a link for you here.

On December 1st Mercury at 17º Sagittarius will trine Uranus in Aries. Again you can have exciting and sudden breakthrough ideas and connections suddenly appear for you. Make the most of what surfaces for you now.

On a collective level Neptune rules the 12th house which is about the collective unconscious and inherited conditions and ancestral karmic patterns and what you’ve inherited whether through your family or the culture you were born into. The 12th house is related to big social institutions and structures that have to do with healing or recovery of some sort. Places like hospitals, prisons, insane asylums. The shadow tissue of a people, family or social structure is hidden here. There’s a deep need for  compassion in this area of your life. The 12th house deals with issues related to fear and faith.

If you let me know which house Neptune in Pisces is transiting in your chart I’ll let you know where this healing and deepening of your faith and intuition is happening in your own life.

You can get a FREE astrology chart from You’ll need to know your exact time of birth to find out your house placements and to know exactly where Neptune in Pisces is in your personal chart.

The mutable energies are very fluctuating and changeable through September 2016 when Saturn makes its final exact square to Neptune at 10º Sagittarius and Pisces respectively. Also Jupiter in Virgo will be making opposition to Pisces by element and oppose Chiron the wounded healer twice more this spring and summer of 2016.

This will illuminate and open you to healing and deepen your trust and faith  in the life process you’re going through and help you eliminate habitual fear patterns that you’ve become entangled with. Inherited collective patterns of fear and judgment must be released and this is a process.

Then of course Saturn will begin to square Chiron also in Pisces in 2017. More about that another time.

I’ve got some exciting news to share with you soon. So stay tuned!

That’s it for this episode of Moonscopes Love Your Life Astrology. Thanks so much for joining me!

Please leave your questions and comments and I’ll be sure to answer them. For more personal questions consider scheduling a private session with me.

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You can download a podcast of the show over at iTunes, as well as to follow me on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram where I post more frequently.

Keep reaching for your dreams and I’ll be back soon with another forecast.

Until next time relax…enjoy your life and stay connected.

XO Love -KG