solar-eclipse-public-domainScorpio Annular Solar Eclipse
11º Scorpio New Moon
November 3rd at 4:50am PT
Diwali Festival of Lights

Keywords: Dynamic Transformational Change & Healing.

Set-up your altar on Samhain, October 31st (instructions below).

Healing Meditation: Butterfly Transformation Ritual

The Sabian Symbol for 11º Scorpio is, “A drowning man is being rescued.” Reflect on this symbol for what message it may have for you.

An Annular Solar Eclipse occurs when the Moon appears to be smaller than the sun and as the moon covers the Sun a bright coronal light surrounding the dark face of the Moon.

The path of the Scorpio Solar Eclipse will most affect the United States and Mexico.

CELEBRATE the days leading up to the Scorpio Annular Eclipse.

The “soular” energies are dancing in concert to catalyze dynamic change in your life and world.

A GLIMPSE of what’s transpiring for you now and how you can invite intimacy with the celestial energies at play for your own personal transformation.

October 31st is the Day of Samhain when the veils between the worlds are thinnest. In Celtic lore the year is divided into two seasons. Samhain marks the end of summer and celebration of the harvest.

PLEASE NOTE: It does not matter if you live in the Northern or Southern hemisphere the meaning and purpose of Samhain as a time of ending and new beginning, of harvest, transformation and renewal for your psyche is activated at this time within you.

Honoring Your Past and Future at Samhain.

Today is the day to commune with your ancestors and departed loved ones. It is a day to give thanks for what has passed and to envision and welcome your future Self.

Samhain is a wonderful festival for welcoming in winter, taking time for reflection and to think about your loved ones who have crossed over.

It is a traditional time of taking stock of how far you’ve come, where you are now and to consider your future. It is a time to make plans for the coming year and for your long term future.

There are several powerful astrological events occurring at Samhain and in the days leading up to the Scorpio Solar Eclipse on November 3rd.

One of which is a Yod. Also called a Finger of God or a Finger of Fate. The 9º is activated now, a number of completion, magic, the power of belief and ancestral worship.

CLICK HERE for more about the Scorpio Solar Eclipse New Moon Astrology.

I will post an article very soon about Samhain (pronounced “sow-en” or “sow-in”) and its importance to you today for transformation and healing.

On November 3rd we have the annular Scorpio Solar Eclipse New moon at 11º Scorpio at 4:50am PT. The Moon goes Void of Course at 8:23pm PT. It’s best to do your ritual before the moon goes void of course.



Candle flame white candle burning with darkness surrounding public domain imageWhat you will need:

Create an altar space. Decorate it with autumn colors, leaves and symbols representing harvest, include photographs and emblems of your deceased family members and loved ones, and symbols of the harvest season, autumn leaves, gourds, pine cones.

Place a candle upon your altar. Your candle can be black, orange, white, silver or gold as these colors symbolize harvest, transformation and purification. Your candle’s light symbolizes the purity of your own inner light and your power to transform.

Call upon your ancestors to support and empower your transformation ritual with the mystical power and light of the spiritual worlds.

Reflect, look back, honor and give thanks to those who have passed before you.

Reflecting upon your past times with loved ones has the effect of sparking renewal within you.

Monarch_butterflies-wiki-public-domainNow look forward to the coming year and envision your future Self in the coming year taking on a new shape and fulfilling your Divine purpose.

Ask your future Self, “How will you have me change?”

Open yourself to wisdom and guidance of your future Self. Allow this time to be a free flowing exchange between you (now) and your future Self.

Other questions to ask your future Self for your transformation and healing.

  • How do you see my life?
  • How am I to live in order for the future vision of myself to be realized?
  • How must I change to realize my future Self?
  • What must be different for my future Self to be realized?

Conclude your ritual with a prayer of thanks.

Affirm: “I am loved and supported. I am the embodiment of love.”

After completing your Butterfly Transformation Ritual you may wish to write down your insights and the wise guidance received from your future Self, as well as a plan of action.

Ancestral Thanksgiving & Celebration Feast

thanksgiving_cornucopia-public-domaiinYou may wish to prepare a feast to honor and give thanks to your ancestors and loved ones for their love and support. Your feast can be as simple and small as enjoying an apple or as grand as feels right for you.

Traditional Foods Eaten at Samhain

Pumpkins, apples (sacred to the goddess), root vegetables such as beet, turnips, sweet potatoes, squash and cider.

Delectable dishes you might include in your feast include: soups and stews, pumpkin pie and bread, chutney, custard pudding, baked apples and apple pie.

Are you stuck in the cocoon stage of transformation? Do you need help flying free as a Butterfly?

KG Stiles photo David Gibb photographerCLICK HERE FOR 40% OFF YOUR ONE HOUR ECLIPSE REPORT. Find out the dynamic change that awaits you at the Scorpio Solar Eclipse and over the coming six months to a year. More info

Find out the many ways I can help you HERE.

Please leave your questions and comments below and let me know how things are going for you.

Thanks so much for joining me! Until next time…relax and enjoy your life.


Dedication: For my Mom, Sara, with Love – Happy Birthday Today, Mom!! xo