athen-chementi-astrologerAloha & welcome to Moonscopes Love Your Life Astrology. I’m your host KG Stiles.

Today I’m excited to be speaking with Athen Chementi. Athen is a Sidereal Astrologer and Youtube Host.

He uses a unique system called Sidereal Astrology which takes into account the actual location of the planets in the sky.

Athen believes this system helps reconnect us more deeply with nature and the present moment. Athen offers daily, weekly, and monthly horoscopes as well as personal astrology sessions.



Please join me in welcoming my guest Athen Chementi.

Welcome to the show Athen. Thanks so much for joining us.

LISTEN TO OUR CONVERSATION for Athen’s answers – Sorry there is no transcript for this show.

Tell us a bit about you. You had a spiritual awakening that changed the course of your life?

Tell us a bit about Sidereal astrology and why you’ve chosen this particular system of divination.

From a sidereal astrology perspective what are the most important astrological events happening for us this year? What planets and aspects are involved?

What about the spring and fall eclipse seasons. Any insights you’d like to share with us?

Do you have anything else you’d like to share before we close?

How can people find out more about you and your work?



That’s it for today’s show. Thank again for joining us.

Have a beautiful day everyone, a warm Mahalo and much love to you!Thanks again, Athen. It’s been a pleasure having you with us!

Until next time relax, enjoy your life and stay connected.

XO Love -KG