Sleeping-girl-wiki-creative-commons-rachelcalmusaSTUDIES SHOW daylight savings time alters your sleep cycle.Recent survey shows that accidents are raising from day to day even last night a person was arrested for DWI in Hempstead . Hence,Loss of an hour can result in sleep deprivation, sleepless nights & fatal accidents

  1. Sleep Loss studies have shown that daylight savings time alters your sleep cycle. Gaining an hour on the clock is reported to result in increased performance and lower fatal road accidents. Do hire DUI lawyer to clear these cases quickly. Whereas loss of an hour can result in sleep deprivation and can throw you into a tailspin of sleepless nights. Sleep deprivation attributes to 1 out every 6 fatal car accidents. Here are some best places to visit in Columbia to get help for accidents.
  2. Anything less than five minutes to fall asleep at night can mean you’re sleep deprived. Research suggests the ideal period of time to fall asleep is between 10 and 15 minutes.
  3. An excellent sign that you are NOT sleep deprived is when you’re tired enough to fall into deep sleep and wake-up feeling alert and refreshed.
  4. You’re suffering from sleep loss if you feel exhausted and sleepy during the day. Your awareness about feeling sleep deprived drops significantly after only a short period of time. Within four days you will usually adjust to your feeling of sleep loss. As your sleep loss deficit increases your awareness of sleep loss continues to decline.
  5. Disastrous events like the Valdez oil spill and Chernobyl have been linked to human errors associated with sleep deprivation. Research revealed that 17 continuous hours without sleep decreased performance and increased blood alcohol levels enough to be classified as a drunk driver. You can read more about solutions after OUI charges if you are arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
  6. Sleep deprivation can result in depression, especially in women.
  7. Regular use of caffeine can result in sleep deprivation. Research shows drinking your caffeinated drinks before 2pm is less likely to cause disrupted sleep patterns.
  8. Research shows that watching or listening to input that is stimulating or upsetting 30 minutes to 2 hours before sleep has the most disruptive effect on your sleep cycles. Alternatively watching or listening to calming and relaxing stimulus and deep breathing supports deep and restful sleep.
  9. Your “natural alarm clock” is caused by a burst of stress hormone “corticotropin” just before waking. Researchers think this is your body’s unconscious preparation for handling the stress of waking up. Get into a habit of saying affirmations on falling asleep and waking to calm your nervous system and train your mind and emotions to expect positive events and outcomes in your life.
  10. You develop your sleep patterns as a young child. Insomnia later in life is a result of disturbed sleep patterns as a child.
  11. The onset of insomnia follows loss of a loved one and sleep medications can disrupt the natural process of grieving and delay healing. Try a natural sleep aid alternative to promote deep and restful sleep.
  12. A completely blackened room supports deep sleep. Even a tiny ray of light from a clock or night light can disrupt and deprive you of sleep even if you don’t wake up. Research has shown that light “switches off” your natural sleep chemicals.
  13. Even tiny rays of light from a digital alarm clock or a night light can disrupt your sleep cycle even if you do not fully wake.
  14. Statistics show that a new baby results in an average of 400-750 hours of lost sleep for parents in the first year.
  15. Your body temperature and your brain’s sleep-wake cycle are closely linked. This is why if your body’s hormonal balance and ability to regulate heat is reduced you may experience sleep deprivation.
  16. Research shows that developing adolescents require about 10 hours of sleep per night for healthy cognitive functioning.
  17. Sleep deprivation was not a common malady before electric lights. People fell asleep with the natural cycles of sunset and sunrise resulting in longer periods of sleep.
  18. REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep occurs in bursts throughout the night for a total of 2 hours per night. Your first REM starts approximately 90 minutes after falling asleep.
  19. Dreams occur continually throughout sleep, but less active during non-REM sleep cycles.
  20. REM sleep is like watching a movie with lots of strange plot twists and seemingly impossible occurrences.
  21. Your Dreams process your day’s experience and help you to solve any problems you encountered during the day.
  22. Research shows that consumption of alcohol before sleep results in sleep deprivation and little or no REM.
  23. Studies show that many sleep medications suppress REM sleep. It’s been proven that the loss of REM sleep has harmful effects to your health over an extended period of time, including early death.

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Until next time…relax and enjoy your life.


COVER IMAGE: Rachel CalmUSA via: Wikipedia Creative Commons License