Full Moon public domain image NASAAloha and welcome to Moonscopes Love Your Astrology. Thanks for joining me for this week’s astrology highlights including the 3º Gemini Full Moon on November 25th exact at 2:44pm PT.

Starting with this broadcast I’ll give you the Void of Moon Phases. These are great periods of time for you to breathe out, catch your breath, play catch-up, take a time out and relax, re-group and generally unwind from any stresses that may have been going on in your life.

I’ve posted a world clock time zone converter for you below this video, so you can find out exactly what time things are happening in your part of the world.

Remember I’m with you on the this great journey you’re taking called life. I’m here to help you navigate your way through any twists and turns or maze of events. I promise to help you make more sense of things, have more fun along the way and take things a bit easier.


WORLD CLOCK TIME ZONE CONVERTER Check to find out exactly what time things are happening in your part of the world.


Today is November 17th. It’s a powerful 888 day. The Sun is conjunct Mercury at 26º Scorpio. It’s a great day for making agreements that will last. It’s a day of creating your legacy.

The semi-sextile Uranus in Aries and Chiron in Pisces is happening through December as Chiron stations direct the end of November and Uranus stations direct on December 25th Christmas day when there is a full Moon in Cancer.

When the moon or personal planets (Mars, Venus, Mercury, Sun) crosses over the 17 degree mark there can sudden odd occurrences that awaken sleeping dragons, when old wounds surface for healing. A lot of healing can take place during this time.

November 18th Neptune stations direct at 7º Pisces.

November 20th Mercury moves into Sagittarius, things can lighten up mentally. Your thoughts lighten.

Same day November 18th Venus in Libra squares Pluto in Capricorn, T-square with Venus in Libra, Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn. Positive use is to take back your power. Work to harmonize these energies within you.

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On November 22nd Sun moves into Sagittarius until the Winter Solstice the 21st of December.

Then on November 23rd Venus forms an exact square to Uranus.

Same day November 23rd Mars sextile Saturn.

November 24th Mercury conjuncts Saturn at 7º Sagittarius and squares Neptune. Saturn will exactly square Neptune on November 26th.

Then on November 25th we have The 3º Gemini Full Moon opposes the sun (as always at the full moon), as well as Saturn and Mercury all in Sagittarius and squares Neptune in Pisces.

The Gemini Full Moon is trine to Mars in Libra. Mercury is also trine to Mars.

Forming a mutable Grand Cardinal Cross. At same time as Saturn, Sun and Mercury square off with Neptune. Tension that leads to taking constructive action to create solutions.

Saturn is now out of shadow covering new territory in Sagittarius. Jupiter is very much a symbol of energy and Saturn is about giving structure. The Gemini Full moon brings illumination to need for energy management and being in control of how we manage our energy both individually and globally. Need for renewable sources of energy gets highlighted.

That’s it for this episode of Moonscopes Love Your Life Astrology. Thanks so much for joining me!

Please leave your questions and comments and I’ll be sure to answer them. For more personal questions consider scheduling a private session with me.

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You can download a podcast of the show over at iTunes. I’ve posted direct links for you for iTunes and tp follow me on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram where I make more frequent posts.

Keep reaching for your dreams and I’ll be back soon with another forecast.

Until next time relax…enjoy your life and stay connected.

XO Love -KG